The Joys of Soccer

I started playing soccer when I was really young and feel in love with it.  I always thought it was so enjoyable and still do to this day.  You get to run around and play with friends.  It’s also unique from other sports because it is a very low scoring game.  You can wait an entire game just to score one goal.  Somehow though, this makes it even better for me.  All this time and energy for that one moment.  It is much more rewarding than any other type of scoring in sports.

I love this sport and feel like anyone could enjoy it.  Even if you don’t like sports, just setting down the ball and going is exhilarating and I can’t stop loving that feeling.

Life can be Rough

You feel down in life sometimes.  Take these converse for instance.  They have take so much stress in life.  Look at how run down and tattered they are.  It took them awhile to get to the condition that they are in and your not going to be able to fix they up too easily.  This is what they were meant to do though.  This shows the amount of use that they got and that they accomplished what they were made to do.  I know, personally I love converse when they are worn and falling apart.  They fit your foot the best and it makes me love them even more.

Knowing what people have been through can be tough.  You see how worn they are and how much they have been used.  Often times though that makes you love them even more.  Life isn’t the most kind, but keep your head up.  You have your purpose that you are playing.  People will love you for who you are.

Converse hanging from wire with an inspirational quote

Why I’m Making a Website

I am currently making a website for the purpose of a class.  I have never made one before so there is very little that I know how to do yet.  This website has yet to have a purpose other than for the purpose of class.  I’m no expert and the this post has no real purpose but it’s a building block I guess.  I’ll improve, I promise, but for now it’s pretty lame.  I just hope I get a good grade.  I guess it would also be nice if I had fun doing it but as of current this website has no other purpose.  I don’t even know what it’s about.  I hope it ends up being pretty cool though…